Drama unfolded at Benue-Nkwanta, a farming community in the Sunyani Municipality when some irate youth nearly lynched the chief of the town last Saturday for allegedly attempting to 'sleep' with a married woman. However, some indigenes of the area timely intervened and rescued Nana Nkrumah Boahen, also married, who had since fled the community. During a visit to the area on Tuesday, the Ghana News Agency (GNA) gathered from residents the unfortunate incident happened around 1500 hours. Nana Boahen was said to have allegedly visited Abenaa Mavis, a 29-year-old married woman and mango seller, and tried to have sexual intercourse with the woman in her matrimonial home. Luck, however, eluded Nana Boahen, when Baba Seidu, a 37-year-old farmer, and the husband, who had then gone out with some friends, arrived in the house and caught them half-naked in the room, GNA learnt. Seidu raised an alarm which attracted the attention of some youths in the town and assaulted the chief, but some people intervened quickly and rescued the chief from his attackers. The woman confirmed to the GNA that Nana Boahen had been harassing her for years, though he knew that she was a married woman. Abenaa Mavis added that in all the instances, she failed to give in to the demands, until last Saturday, May 11, 2024, when Nana Boahen approached her and attempted to sleep with her in her room, while her husband had gone out. Source: Ghana News Agency